Sep 13, 2023
Hamad Al Blooshi
Creative Thinking in Five Steps
"Bathing stimulates creativity. Sleep for creative ideas. Walking is the source of creativity." These phrases come up often when we look for ways to stimulate creativity. But the question is, "How do we turn creativity into a way of thinking rather than just fleeting moments?"

We cannot plan for creativity, but we can create the ideal circumstances for it to emerge. Creativity manifests and grows with the ability to create a connection between different ideas. As described by the English scientist (Jacob Bronowski), creativity is " the discovery of likenesses between two things which were thought unlike.”

Having ideas is essential to the creative thinking process. With more ideas, our ability to create connections between them grows. During intense thinking, you will find your mind in a chaotic state. But with relaxation, the subconscious mind begins its magical effect and brings forth unfamiliar thoughts.

Don't wait for inspiration. Creativity doesn't come when we focus on it intently. Instead, collect your thoughts. and write down all observations, experiments, and data. Scientist Isaac Newton developed the concept of gravity after 20 years of studying algebra, geometry, and other sciences.

Once you get an idea, put it into practice. New ideas are fragile. They die if they don’t see the light. Check out the idea you came up with. Evaluate and start developing and building it to experience the creative process in its truest form.

Here's the creative thinking process summed up in five steps:

  1. Experiment and learn, Experiments, even if unsuccessful, are a good source of ideas
  2. Analyze your experiences and thoughts and try to make connections between them
  3. Relax and let your subconscious mind do the work
  4. Embrace inspiration as it comes to you
  5. Check your idea and put it into practice
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