Sep 13, 2023
Hamad Al Blooshi
When do you settle with what you have?
I always wondered when I should tell myself “enough!” When should I silence the desires that cause me to spend time and effort on things ignoring my dwindling productivity. As getting too few hours of sleep to study for an exam reduces productivity, and giving up my social life for an amount of money I don't need diminishes productivity.

The first lesson I learned in economics was about scarcity. Scarcity is simply not having a sufficient amount of resources to satisfy all human needs and desires. Because, in short, resources are limited and human desires are unlimited.

This concept may be new to some or just an economic term. But in fact, this concept affects our thoughts, actions, and the way we deal with others. We spend a lot of time worrying and complaining because we do not have enough to satisfy us. We do not have enough time, rest, exercise and of course money. We live locked in a scarcity mindset.

 A scarcity mindset that affects all our decisions. It leads us to work more than we should. We stay up late to study. Without realizing it, we give up our comfort and social life to satisfy this thing that lives in our brains. This mentality affects our behavior more than we imagine. You may wonder and say to yourself, “But I need to get money or get good grades” It is true that you must achieve the things you aspire to, but not through a scarcity mentality.

Imagine that you have become one of the richest people in the world and that your wealth exceeds millions. Do you think you will be satisfied with this wealth if you have a scarcity mentality? No, your mentality will force you to see who is wealthier than you and make you live in this never-ending cycle.

Bernard Madoff is a wealthy American businessman who was sentenced to 150 years in prison. Madoff committed what is known as the largest fraud worth 64.8 billion US dollars!

Madoff sacrificed the money he needed and wasted the rest of his life for some extra money he didn't need.

We have to realize that there is no reason to sacrifice what we have and need for something we do not possess or need.

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